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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The story about the origin of man is enigmatic. In every field of enquiry, there seems to be various theories and assertions about the fons and origo of humainty. Humanity itself is problematic as well as its understanding. The concept man(Adam-anthropos) is difficult to comprehend. It is a three-letterred word but encyclopedic in explanation. It is the pre-occupation of man to trace his foundation, his history and his origin. The pressing question is where can man find his origin?
Biologically speaking, man originated from the biological powers or features of man by means of procreation. One of the charateristics of man is reproduction which could be indubitably true in the mind of biologist and natural scientists. Reproduction is the most important aspect of the charateristics of man which takes presidence over other charateristics. But in my own understanding man procreates man, man reproduces man, man forms man: this continues to an infinite regress. Looking back, one could identify a big question mark that lies behind everyone. This question is what everyone asks when tracing his or her origin, where do i come from?. The individual answer is found in the individual geneological history. However, what will be the answer for the first man?
Perhap, the answer to the question of the origin of man cannot be answered through biological assertions only. Nevetheless, there have been other chemical and physical theories about the origin of man. Anthropologists have traced man's origin through natural dimensions asserting that man originates from animal. It seems to be true but it does not have the absolute result in its research. Big Bang theory seems to have answered the question by its chemical, big, voidless substance that exploded and formed man.
Moreover, Aristotle's claim of the Unmoved Mover seemed to have reenkidled the fading light of convinction about the search for the answers to questions about the origin of man. Prior to Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosophers were pre-occupied with quest about the fons and origo of everything. Emphasis were laid on the natural phenomenon and occurences as where all things emerged.
It was in the middle era of philosophical investigation that the space of the Unmoved Mover was filled in with the name, God. Prior to this era, theism has been in place, but the idea of the Supreme that was attributed to God by Medievals was still clouded. Thanks to Thomas Aquinas for creative ingenuity of his Quique Viae. Religious wise, the position of the supreme being had been unoccupied in different religions of the ancient world untill the emergence of christianity. Christianity posits God as the Supreme Being whose position was vacant in various religious understanding.
Modernity shifted the emphasis of God to man, placing man in the position of God. The reality of human crisis began to emerge which resorts to violence, malicious killing, sexual slavery, hunger, terrorism and other negative influences. Science and technology croped up with dangerous whims that are now turning into natural disaster. The funny thing is that the scientists have deviated from their main focus to the things that are harmful to man.
In all, I wiil ask, where are we heading to?


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